Solving Pandemic Problems: Spring Fling Dance Recital


As we look at pushing our recitals to the end of July 2021 due to California state and local guidelines, I am putting together a brand new in-studio performance opportunity called “Spring Fling” for dancers to be part of our performance series.  

“The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter!” 

— Jen Selinsky


What is Spring Fling? 

To keep dancers engaged in their classes I am creating a “Spring Fling” mini-performance in March with dances about bugs, flowers, and rainbows. 

Why do Spring Fling? 

Spring Fling gives dancers a tangible goal to work towards in the early months of 2021. Because our local guidelines have closed our lobby, we are also using this to stay connected to dancers and their families and provide something to look forward to as we work towards “returning to normal.” 

How do dancers participate in Spring Fling? 

Dancers will opt into the “Spring Fling” mini shows and perform in the studio wearing their dress code and accessories either recorded or with a limited capacity audience pending our local guidelines. They will learn the routines for 10-15 minutes in class January-March. The fee to participate is included in their Recital Participation Fee for 2021.   

How to organize Spring Fling for your dance studio 

If you are already using a dress code at your studio, simply assign songs/routines to each age group. For example, all of our Twinkle Babies ages 2-3 will learn “Baby Bumble Bee” and receive a pair of antennae to wear with their pink Sparkle tutu dress for “Spring Fling.”  

Sample Twinkle Star Dance Spring Fling 

  1. Baby Bumble Bee

  2. Sound of Music 

  3. Over the Rainbow 

Add extras 

Don’t forget to add extras like a “Spring Fling” participation ribbon; a recording of the performance and/or action photos; and a costume car parade (our dancers and families love these). 


Over 300 affiliated dance studio owners put Twinkle Star Dance into practice in their business.

Check out what some of them have to say: 

“Twinkle Stars makes it simple for us to offer a clear, concise and fun curriculum for young dancers! Implementing the suggested dress code has been a game changer.  Parents love not having to figure out what their dancer will be wearing to dance easy week and I love that it makes our classes look professional and  polished in an age appropriate way.”

– Lynne Meyer, MusicWorks! Studio of Performing Arts

“We have not done a holiday show in years.  With enrollment down we needed to bring in more income. By using Twinkle Star Dance we assigned each age group a dance and all the teachers are able to teach the same choreography, allowing us to easily combine classes for our show.”

– Carolyn Coskren, Dance Inspirations

“We started slowly with Twinkle Star Dance.  I have been a member for many years, but it took us a while to get our staff and even myself onboard.  Once we made the switch at our studio and satellite park district locations, we saw an increase in enrollment.  The following year we implemented a dress code, and eventually the use of Nimbly.  I believe the Twinkle Stars program presents a package to parents and students.  The branding makes a huge impact.  We have even carried the TSD colors through to the walls of one of our studios.  The videos are helpful in keeping all of our teachers on the same page.  The consistency is key.  Our studio has always been very family orientated and less competition minded.  We now focus on our niche in the community which is the Twinkle Star dancers.  We continue to offer more advanced programs, but concentrate on the programs that generate the most happiness and of course tuition.  Setting ourselves apart with Twinkle Stars and Show Stars has really changed how we were able to get through Covid.  With the ideas and sharing from fellow TSD studios and the TSD program, we were able to implement fun and engaging programs that helped to keep many of our students even through Zoom!”  

– Lisa Yarwood, Lisa’s School of Dance 

What are some of the creative ways you are keeping dancers engaged and having fun in your preschool and school-aged classes?